Begin Here

I’m a homeschooling mom of two 2e (twice-exceptional) boys. That means they’re gifted with learning challenges (yes, those conditions can coexist), and that’s why we’re home to learn. What started five years ago as a way to rescue my seven-year-old from an unbearable school experience grew into a lifestyle that, on most days, we love. We do have our moments, good and bad, and that’s what this blog is about. It’s our story of learning outside of school, sometimes at amazing speed. It’s what we’ve learned, how we’ve learned it, and where we think we’re heading next. It’s also about Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, dysgraphia, and our journey to unravel some of the mysteries of the brains of two exceptional children.

In my spare moments of time, I read voraciously, write often, and knit simply. For more about my experiences raising and homeschooling a child on the autistic spectrum, visit Aspergers at Home (No new posts past 9/2011 — There are only so many hours in a day). For more of the rest of my life, including a good dose of Unitarian Universalism, follow Finding My Ground.

Have a question about a set of plans or anything else? Either post a comment or email me at sarah dot macleod42 at gmail dot com, substituting symbols for “at” and “dot”.

Curriculum Reviews


Michael C. Thompson Language Arts (General)

Michael C. Thompson (Grammar and Poetics)

Michael C. Thompson (Vocabulary and Composition)

Composition Choices: Michael C. Thompson

Advanced Academic Writing, Volume I (Michael Clay Thompson)

Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings

Lightning Literature & Composition, 7th Grade

The Story of Science (Joy Hakim)

Real Science 4 Kids

CPO Middle School Earth Science

Discovering Mathematics (Singapore Math, Secondary Level)

Singapore Math

Life of Fred Pre-Algebra


Philosophy for Kids

Discovering Music (Professor Carol)

Story of the World (Part I)

Story of the World (Part II)

Online G3

Aspergers and Autism

We Have a Diagnosis

Reading Through Aspergers:  Part I

Reading Through Aspergers:  Part II

Stuff and No Nonsense

Feeling Quite Venn

Parenting in Baskets (Review:  The Explosive Child)

Behavior is Communication

(For more of my posts on Asperger’s and Autism, go to Asperger’s at Home.  Time constraints caused me to discontinue that blog, but I continue to sprinkle this blog and Finding My Ground with autism-related writing.)


Following Directions

There And Back Again: A Cautionary Tale of Homeschool Planner Pitfalls

Executive Function Skills: Job One

Maybe We’re Due for a Change

Behavior is Communication

Unitarian Universalism and Spirituality

Principles in Practice 1:  Worth and Dignity

Principles in Practice 2:  Justice and Compassion

Religious Education, UU Style

Why We’re Not Secular Homeschoolers

The Thoughtful, Philosophical End of Homeschooling

Being Human:  An Education

Defining Success

Curriculum Choices of Conscience

Reflections on Learning

Defending Homeschooling

How Does Your Homeschool Bloom?

Homeschooling Goals

Homeschooling Solo

4 thoughts on “Begin Here

  1. Sara,
    I’m excited to have stumbled onto your site, because we seem to have lots in common. I have two sons, I just started homeschooling this week, and our family is involved with a local Unitarian Universalist congregation. I’m in my first week of hs my 12-year-old, 2e son (adhd-inattentive type, expressive language issues, and I suspect on the spectrum). My other son (gifted 14-year-old) just began attending an exceptional public hs in our city.

    We’ll be taking an eclectic approach to hs for now, and I’m currently struggling to find appropriate curricular materials, particularly for writing. My son understands the format of a 5-paragraph essay, but really struggles to come up with ideas and to develop his writing with adequate details. He is certainly what I would call a reluctant writer, because of these difficulties.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and that I’m looking forward to fully checking out your blog!

  2. Thanks so much for all that you have shared with the homeschool community. It’s very helpful. I’m wondering what program you liked best for middle school biology.

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